Will America Ever Revolt Against The Terrorist Living In The White House?

On the 25th of December 2013, Egypt declared Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. The decision was made to consider the Muslim Brotherhood legally and politically a terrorist organization based on The memorandum issued by Social Solidarity Minister which contained examples of terror acts and violence occurred especially after the fall of the Brotherhood and also was based on several international and regional conventions signed by Egypt, and Muslim Brotherhood links and ties with Armed Terrorists Jihadist groups. And above all, it was a popular demand in Egypt.

Videos Muslim Brotherhood crimes in Egypt. Please click on watch on youtube to watch the videos directly on youtube.

The weirdness about this issue is that Historically, the US has placed the names of some individuals and groups associated with the Muslim Brotherhood on US government sanctions list, but has not imposed sanctions on the movement itself!

The United States declared Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya, Al Qaeda and Hamas terrorist groups. Hamas was established 1987 as a military branch of Muslim Brotherhood Organization. Since Muslim Brotherhood reached power, Hamas did not launch any attack against Israel, instead Hamas is deploying all their efforts in launching terror attacks against Egypt! Al-Gma’a Al-Islamiyya is also another military branch of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Many of the 9/11 conspirators came from the Muslim Brotherhood, including Osama bin Laden, Ayman Zawahiri and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed “the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks.

Since 9-11, 156 men have been indicted for terror-related activities. 127 of them had lived in the U.S. for ten years or more at the time of their arrest. One-third of these terrorists converted to Islam in their teens or twenties, most often through the efforts of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Homegrown terrorists constitute 81% of the defendants alleged to be involved in the top 50 plots prosecuted in the United States since 9/11, over half of whom were also born in the USA. A steady diet of Muslim Brotherhood programmed sedition, self‐victimization, hate speech, supremacist attitudes and imagined persecution instills a revolutionary fervor that creates homegrown extremists.”

Dated 12 July 2013 – Pro-Morsi Demonstration at Al-Aqsa Mosque: USA, France, Britain to Be Destroyed, Rome to Be Conquered. Please copy paste this link on your browser to watch the video on memri.org:  https://www.memri.org/tv/islamist-imam-ismat-al-hammouri-al-aqsa-mosque-pro-morsi-demonstration-us-france-britain-be

Islamist Imam Ismat Al Hammouri at Al Aqsa Mosque Pro Morsi Demonstration U S France Britain to Be Destroyed Rome to Be Conquered MEMRI

On 19/8/2013, The former Chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt and current adviser, Tahani Al-Jebali stated that the reason the United States cannot fight the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is because the brother of U.S. President Barack Obama is the architect of the investments for the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. Published and translated by Walid Shoebat, Former Muslim Brotherhood, Now, Member Peace Activist.

See also  The MB Utter Failure In Mobilizing Their Supporters 30 Aug 2013 And The Ongoing Violence

[symple_testimonial by=”Tahani Al-Jebali, former Chancellor of the Constitutional Court of Egypt and current adviser “]

Jebali stated that she would like to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.

We will carry out the law and the Americans will not stop us. We need to open the files and begin court sessions. The Obama administration cannot stop us; they know that they supported terrorism. We will open the files so these nations are exposed, to show how they collaborated with them [the terrorists]. It is for this reason why the American administration fights us.”

Jebali also appeared on Egyptian television to explain how important this news is to Americans who are concerned about their President’s actions, saying it “is a gift to the American people”, implying there is much more to come:

She noted that the cost to Egypt has been great and that her country will not allow any conspiracy against its people, the Egyptian state or any one of the members of the Security Council. Leading Egypt to Chapter 7 is unacceptable and would plunge her country into a dire state similar to that which exists in Iraq and Libya.


The espionage case trial is due on 28/1/2014, Mohamed Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood leaders are facing serious charges of treason and spying with foreign elements and foreign intelligence. It is not a conspiracy theory anymore, it is a reality.

We can’t avoid to ask these questions now: Why Egypt kept relations with the US and did not reveal and expose the US Administration’s conspiracy with Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian national security in an earlier stage, despite that the Egyptian Intelligence had classified documentations and recordings based on facts and not just an illusion of conspiracy theory?

Why the Egyptian state allowed the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi who was accused with espionage and treason before he escaped from prison, to run for presidency elections?

Why the Egyptian intelligence did not reveal facts to the Egyptian people before or during the 25th of Jan 2011 events? 

I don’t have all the answers to these questions. But I can say for definite that many things have gone wrong during this chaos and big mess of the 25th of Jan period which was very critical and complicated! People believed rumors and rejected many facts and warnings, especially those who believed in the 25th of Jan and were in control of all events. While Those who didn’t participate in the 25th of Jan and had doubts about it, they just kept silent and they were the majority of Egyptians labelled as “the Sofa Party”!

Former Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman and others who were in power informed revolutionaries currents and Egyptians about the internal and external risks surrounding Egypt, but no one believed them and they were accused of being a part of the old corrupted Mubarak’s regime and accused of spreading the illusion of the conspiracy theory which only existed in their heads!

See also  Videos Evidence Brotherhood Hate Speech And Incitement To Kill

For instance, this video is a recording call between Wael Ghoneim political activist and Mostafa Alnagar former parliament member and a political activist who are labelled as the “spearhead of the 25th revolution”. In this call recording Mostafa Alnagar told Ghoneim that he had accurate information about the terrifying US Agenda against Egypt and he couldn’t say all details over the phone, and the necessity to meet Ghoneim to inform him of what he has learned, and if this US agenda takes place, US will F**k Egypt, according to Alnagar exact words!

Ghoneim’s response was that Alnagar has definitely joined the State’s official institutions and acting against the revolution targets and he was brainwashed with the illusion of conspiracy’s theory. Even though those spearheads were acknowledged of the US conspiracy, they acted in favor of the US agenda and not in favor to their country’s interest and national security safety! Link to other calls recordings exposed the spearheads of the 25th Jan 2011 who deceived their own people and were working for the interests of US in the region and betrayed their country. Link to 6 of April movement recordings exposed communications with foreign elements. link to political activists in Egypt involved in theft of national security classified documents and selling it in the US.

If the conspiracy threads were exposed to the world during the 25th of Jan events, what was going to be the world’s reaction towards Egypt? Most probably accusing Egypt of spying on foreign countries, despite that the opposite is correct! US spied on the whole world including superior countries, what happened then? Nothing. But in Egypt’s case is totally different.

Whether it was a wrong or right decision to hide the truth from the Egyptian people till it is suitable to reveal it, now not only Egyptians have the right to learn the truth, but the whole world needs to learn it too. We can judge then those who were in charge, whether they have made the right or the wrong decision.

Now the question is: Why Obama’s administration refused to include the Muslim Brotherhood Organization to terrorists groups camp? US is ignoring and rejecting all facts and evidences that Muslim Brotherhood are indeed a terrorist organization. Is the US panicking from what will expose the Obama’s administration in front of their public opinion? Or is it that Obama’s administration still have hopes that their favorite terrorists may come back to power again? I guess time will answer all these questions.

Obama’s Administration are supporting a terrorist Organization who was deliberately dragging Egypt to the dark ages and was trying to divide Egypt to small states and provinces, just like Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, same agenda and scenario!

The following are just few examples among many of what Obama’s administration and their politicized medias are fiercely supporting against Egypt and Egyptian’s free will, if these are not terrorists, what are they?

See also  Muslim Brotherhood assassinated the Egyptian Attorney General

On 12 Jan 2014, security forces in Alexandria city managed to arrest 4 jihadists after an explosion took place by mistake, while they were preparing explosive devices. Among Jihadist elements arrested was a Muslim Brotherhood suicider name Osama Aly Ahmed Zaky Mehana 29 years old, Bachelor of Science Chemistry.

Investigators and bombs disposal experts found materials used in making explosives: 20 bottles, jugs and flasks filled with chemicals, concentrated Nitric acid, 8 masks against fumes, fire igniter, pressure measuring device, broken glass, and 2 devices «Tablets» and the number of newspaper of Freedom and Justice Party (MB Political party) and books written by  Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of Muslim Brotherhood terrorist Organization. Investigators also found a military lieutenant uniform belong to the Armed forces.

Video of Muslim Brotherhood terrorists elements making explosive devices

They also found a will written by Osama Aly the Muslim Brotherhood member addressed to his wife which stated the following:

Muslim Brotherhood terrorist element wrote a will to his wife asking that his kids to become suiciders like him
I want my kids to join the Muslim brotherhood and become suiciders and martyrs so they go to heaven!
Muslim Brotherhood terrorists making explosive devices to use in suicidal attacks in Alexandria
Muslim Brotherhood suicider element’s will to his wife to make his kids join Mulsim Brotherhood Organization and become martyrs and join him in Heaven

[symple_testimonial by=”Muslim Brotherhood suicider’s will”] God almighty I’m asking you to become your martyr, I’m Osama Aly Ahmed asking my wife and my mother to pay all my debts. (he wrote his debts in details). I’m addressing this will to my wife: I know that I’m a martyr now for God, I have done this only for the right’s victory. I’m asking you my dear wife to raise my two kids on the religion of God and make sure they join the Muslim Brotherhood Organization. I want both my kids to grow with Jihadists and become like me to achieve victory for Islam God’s religion. I’m now in heaven![/symple_testimonial]

Muslim Brotherhood terrorist element arrested in Alexandria city
Security forces arrested the 4 terrorist in addition to the wife of Muslim Brotherhood suicider: ( Amira Ibrahim Ahmed 26 years old, Mohamed Ibrahim Saad a lawyer 36 years old, Ahmed Khalaf student 16 years old).

When Muslim Brotherhood were in power: Egyptian Cleric Abu Islam said that the Flag of Islam Soon to Fly over White House. All Egyptians Institutions including the Armed forces will be replaced by Jihadist Gamaa Islamia and other institutions will be replaced by Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist!

14 August 2013 Muslim Brotherhood snipers kill people in Shatby area and army forces in  Alexandria city – Please click on watch on youtube to watch the video directly on youtube.

13/10/2012 Egyptian Cleric during Muslim Brotherhood ruling: Boston Bombing Was Meant to Deliver a Message; Similar Attacks Expected in France. The same cleric who announced publicly that if he will have the authority one day, he will destroy the Pyramids and all Pharaohs history and statues!

Wake up America before it's too late

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