Leaked call recording between Mohamed ElBaradei and senior official in the CIA

Mohamed Albaradei leaked call recordings with a senior official of the CIAOn 27/4/2014, Abd Elrehim Aly, Journalist and Chief Editor of Albawaba Newspaper, published new leaked call recordings between Mohamed Albaradei and CIA Senior Official, in addition to previous call recordings between Mohamed Albaradei, political activists and Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization.

(Mohamed Albaradei is an Egyptian law scholar and diplomat, former acting Vice President of Egypt from 14 July 2013 to 14 August 2013. Former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), from 1997 to 2009).

Abd Elrehim Aly confirmed that during this week, he is going to publish other leaked call recordings of Albaradei and a Senior Official in the CIA, duration of the call 16 minutes, they were discussing the division of the Middle East region and specifically Egypt.

Furthermore, Abd Elrehim Aly, informed recently, some of the local and Arabic newspapers, that the call recordings he is going to publish soon, will expose the cooperation and the coordination of Albaradei and the US Embassy in Cairo and his role in the Iranian Nuclear file, He also indicated that the next call recordings will reveal the whole picture of the conspiracy plan against Egypt, that Mohamed Albaradei was one of the main key players in it.

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About the source of all the call recordings he published so far, Abd Elrehim Aly confirmed that he is not in a position to reveal his source, specially that he is a journalist and he has the right not to reveal it. He also said that there were many attempts to assassinate him and he is still receiving killing threats due to these leaked call recordings. He also said that the police managed to arrest many of those who threatened to kill him, if he doesn’t stop publishing those call recordings.

Egyptian political activists, described by the US administration as the “spearhead of the 25th Of Jan 2011 revolution“, were forcing Mohamed Albaradei on the Egyptian people all the time. They tried to force him on Egyptians as the next president of Egypt, and when Egyptians refused Albaradei to be forced on them, especially when the 25th of Jan spearheads nominated Albaradei as Egypt’s next president or Prime Minister through voting of hundreds of his supporters which took place in Tahrir square about two years ago.

Prosecutor investigates foreign funding charges against Egyptian political activists25th of Jan spearheads and political activists who call themselves “liberals”, ignored that Albaradei was not chosen by the Egyptian people or through official elections. Albaradei had the chance to go for the 2012 presidency elections but he withdrew because he realized that he didn’t have any popularity or any support in the Egyptian street, except hundreds of political activists who were playing with our destiny and future according to their own interests and foreign agendas.

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Albaradei also had another chance to go for the 2014 presidential elections, but he didn’t, because he just became a burned useless card, who failed in applying the US creative chaos in Egypt.

The following video is a report about Mohamed Albaradei and contains parts of a call recording between Mohamed Albaradei and The creative chaos project of condoleezza Rice in the Middle eastSenior Official in the CIA, he called him Dan.

According to Abd Elrehim Aly, this call exposed Mohamed Albaradei providing the CIA’s Official with information concerned the Egyptian Armed forces and Former military council, when Marshal Tantawy was the Defense minister of Egypt.

leaked call recording starts at the minute 1:02 and ends at 1:17. Albaradei informed Dan Senior official in the CIA:”

They need like 10 billion dollars, they just get it to pay salaries, and what have you Dan, they also have security issues because most of the police forces have been disbanded, so these are two issues on Tantawy’s mind, is basically how to get the money, and I …”

The other leaked recording starts at the minute 3:03 and ends at 3:16. This call reveals the coordination between Albaradei and CIA official, meantime, he assured CIA official that his name won’t be mentioned. Albaradei said:”

…Ambassador for Vienna for four years, so I can, I haven’t talked to him, but I can talk to him if you think it is useful, or if you think  there are some ideas to piddle with him, aaa but I can piddle it, its my owns, you are not in the picture at all.”

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