Message to Obama and his Administration
We are the Egyptian signatories of this message, Proud of being citizens of such wonderful, great 7000 years old civilized country. ...
Foreign Press is suffering from a Diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of ideas
Foreign press is suffering from willful ignorance and blindness. There is a big difference between freedom of speech and insults, contempt and ...
What’s wrong Kate Chandley, don’t you get any attention back home?
Kate Chandley invented a fantastic article published on 21/4/2014, titled “Behind the Egyptian Junta’s Iron Curtain” on HUFFINGTON POST . She ...
Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?
Moheb Doss who is no longer a member of Tamarod campaign and he was One of the five founders of ...
Dear Professor Emad Shahin, no need to thank me for insulting you, it was a pleasure
Emad El-Din Shahin Egyptian professor and Editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics. He is currently a Public Policy ...
Dear Sheikh Lionel Barber, Editor in Chief Of Financial Times
Dear Sheikh Lionel Barber, Editor in Chief, Financial Times , based in London and biased to terrorism. It did not come to ...
Harf and Kerry talk so much shit, don’t know whether to offer them breath mint or toilet paper
On the 25th of March 2014, Marie Harf threatened Egypt of serious consequences of cutting future aid, in case Egypt ...
The United Nations violators of Human Rights council condemned Egypt’s war on terrorism
A group of 27 countries in the United Nations Human Rights Council expressed concerns on 7/3/2014 over what they called ...
Emad Eldin Shahin professor in AUC alienates the West against Egypt & incites on dismantling the army
Emad El-Din Shahin Egyptian professor of public policy at the American University in Cairo’s school of global affairs and public policy; ...
Muslim Brotherhood: A woman swimming is an adulteress and touching bananas is forbidden
There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name ...