Dear Professor Emad Shahin, no need to thank me for insulting you, it was a pleasure

Emad El-Din Shahin Egyptian professor of public policy at the American University in Cairo’s school of global affairs and public policy, Editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics. He is currently a Public Policy Scholar at Woodrow Wilson Center. Wanted by the Interpol, involved in the espionage case of Mohamed Mursi and Muslim Brotherhood
Emad El-Din Shahin Egyptian professor of public policy at the American University in Cairo’s school of global affairs and public policy, Editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics. He is currently a Public Policy Scholar at Woodrow Wilson Center. Wanted by the Interpol, involved in the espionage case of Mohamed Mursi and Muslim Brotherhood

Emad El-Din Shahin Egyptian professor and Editor-in-chief of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Politics. He is currently a Public Policy Scholar at Woodrow Wilson Center.

Emad Eldin Shahin alienates the West against Egypt & incites on dismantling the Egyptian Armed forces. He is wanted by the Interpol for his involvement in the espionage case 56458/2013 of Mohamed Mursi and other Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Emad Shahin addressed a letter on 28/3/2014 to Obama and begged him to interfere in the Egyptian affairs because he believes that Obama is the master of the world and US must practice all kinds of influence and pressure on Egypt, even if they have to interfere in Egypt by force to apply what he described “Democracy”.

Shahin published another article on 11/4/2014Women empowered but abused as they stand up to Egypt’s military junta” The conversation, academic rigour, journalistic flair. Shahin claimed in his article that all Egyptian women and young girls in Egypt are being raped by the armed and police forces! He provided some links in his article from just one source, which is the Muslim Brotherhood Websites and did not provide even one single official statement or a case raised by what he described “victims of rape”, except some anonymous statistics published by the Brotherhood without any credible evidence!

I just want to ask Mr. Shahin a question, since he mentioned that all Egyptian women and young girls are being raped by the armed and police forces, does this include his mother too?!  

Shahin also claimed in his article that the Muslim Brotherhood students are getting oppressed in the Egyptian universities! While the truth is Muslim Brotherhood students are turning universities to armed militants camps and blowing up universities with planted bombs.

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Professor Emad Eldin Shahin supports Muslim Brotherhood terrorists Organization and denies all their crimes in Egypt and accused the Armed forces of committing crimes and 30 June revolt according to him, was a coup.
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin supports Muslim Brotherhood terrorists Organization and denies all their crimes in Egypt and he wished the Muslim Brotherhood managed to kill all protesters against MB regime.

Emad Shahin is taking from George Town University a platform in fiercely attacking the 30th of June 2013 revolution which ended Muslim Brotherhood fascist regime and he is deploying big efforts in supporting Muslim Brotherhood terror attacks against Egypt.

Qatar is financing George Town University’s branch in Doha with huge amounts of money, which enables the Qatari royal family to interfere in the University’s policies.  This Qatari finance scandal was exposed by Jeffrey Lovitky, an American attorney based in Washington DC.

In a 21-page letter to Georgetown’s president, John DeGioia, Mr Lovitky’s testimony  uncovered this finance which is violating the University’s charter and the American exemption tax laws, and turning the university’s branch in Qatar to freedom of speech oppression, by not allowing any criticizing to the Qatari Royal family, and the interference in the university’s policies.

In addition, Lovitky exposed that Qatar also has influence and interference in other 6 universities in the USA, and in College University in London, and HIC in Paris which the name was changed in 2012 to Hamad Bin Khalifa (the previous Prince of Qatar).

If Mr. Shahin, wants us to believe that he stands for freedom of speech and for women rights, I find it so strange that he did not condemn Muslim Brotherhood political party for launching a Female Circumcision campaign when they were in power!

I also find it weird that Mr. Shahin did not condemn Muslim Brotherhood violations and crimes against women, and marriage of girls at the age of 9 which was allowed in his Muslim Brothers 2012 constitution! He was not even shocked During the rule of Mohamed Morsi when MB issued 51 fatwas about women, (Fatwa is a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority) forbidding women from swimming because The word “sea” is masculine in Arabic language and when a woman goes swimming, the water touches the woman’s private parts, then she becomes an ‘adulteress’ and should be punished.

He didn’t mind that Muslim Brotherhood forbidden women from eating certain vegetables or even touching cucumbers or

Professor Emad Eldin Shahin supports Erdogan Turkey in attacking Egypt and describe 2014 constitution of dark ages and the constitution of the coup
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin supports Erdogan Turkey in attacking Egypt and describe 2014 constitution of dark ages and the constitution of the coup

bananas,” due to their phallic imagery, which may tempt women to deviate. He did not write any letters to OBAMA telling him that Muslim Brotherhood declared that Women are created only for sex. The voices of women, their looks and presence outside the walls of their homes an ‘offence.’ Some went as far as to consider women as a whole “Offensive”.!

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Being highly educated doesn’t necessarily mean that Professor Shahin is a civilized man or liberal. Well, Osama Bin Laden was a very wealthy man and very highly  educated, and he was the leader of Al Qaeda terrorist group.

If Mr. Shahin believes that he has a cause to defend, standing for his cause is not by escaping from Egypt and attacking his own country and people from abroad! If he is innocent form all charges against him, he can return back to Egypt and prove his innocence. Egypt is a part of the international world treaties and charters and the Egyptian judiciary authority is independent. Many of the defendants in different terror cases were released once they were proven innocents.

The close ties of Professor Emad Shahin with the Muslim Brotherhood

After the fall of Muslim Brotherhood regime, Shahin denied that he is a member in the Muslim Brotherhood organization, as well as denying all his previous writings which prove his support to Muslim Brothers regime and close relationship to the organization.

Professor Emad Eldin Shahin stated that in order to correct the path of Egypt the youth of the revolution must get into coallition with Islamists groups against the Egyptian armed forces
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin stated that in order to correct the path of Egypt the youth of the revolution must get into coalition with Islamist groups against the Egyptian armed forces

Shahin wrote on 29/6/2013, Shorouk news, that he was against the protests of 30/6/2013 and he supported  Muslim Brothers regime against the will of the Egyptian people.

On 29/10/2012, Shahin wrote on Shrouk news, that he is optimistic about Egypt’s future under Muslim Brotherhood regime and attacked the Egyptian opposition parties for criticizing Muslim Brotherhood practices. He also attacked all kinds of protests against Muslim Brothers.

After 30/6/2013 revolution, Shahin denied the revolt of more than 33 million Egyptian against Muslim Brothers and claimed that this revolution and protests were faked and it doesn’t represent the Egyptian people. He also declared that the West must interfere in Egypt by force even if they have to force Egypt to kneel economically and internationally.

Shahin hates the Egyptian armed forces to the point that he supports the creation of an Egyptian liberation Army, like the one in Syria to fight against the Armed forces for the legitimacy of Mohamed Mursi.  He accused the Egyptian people who overthrew Muslim Brothers of fighting Islam as he believes that Muslim Brothers represent Islam!

In relation to all Muslim Brotherhood crimes in Egypt, Shahin is in total denial status, and he claims that it is the Egyptian people

Professor Emad Eldin Shahin claimed that Rabaa sit in was not armed and the weapons found in the square after the disengagement were put in the square by the egyptian police
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin claimed that Rabaa sit in was not armed and the weapons found in the square after the disengagement were put in the square by the Egyptian police

and all the state’s institutions who commit crimes against the Muslim Brotherhood organization and their supporters.

Beside being a liar, Shahin is also a hypocrite. He used to accuse the Egyptian opposition of seeking help from the Americans against MB practices, which was not true; While him personally was begging Obama to interfere in Egypt by force to restore MB regime.

See also  Egypt is no longer a US ally because America is in the wrong hands
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin describes armed forces of gangs ruling Egypt and support muslim Brotherhood legitimacy and the military raped the authority from the muslim brothers
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin describes armed forces of gangs ruling Egypt and support muslim Brotherhood legitimacy and the military raped the authority from the muslim brothers

Shahin wrote that he really regrets that Muslim Brotherhood did not kill all protesters who overthrew the Brotherhood regime, and he wished they did. Because according to his claims, Muslim Brotherhood are paying now a high price because they did not deal with protesters of 30/6 in a deter way
Emad Shahin calls for dismanling the Egyptian armed forces to replace them with the Egyptian liberation Army like Syria
Professor Emad Shahin biased to terrorism and misleading international public opinion about the truth of Muslim Brotherhood

Professor Emad Eldin Shahin calls and incites sanctions and severe pressures by the international community against Egypt
Professor Emad Eldin Shahin calls and incites sanctions and severe pressures by the international community against Egypt

Emad Shahin, you are nothing but a fifth column traitor who act traitorously and subversively out of a secret or public sympathy with an enemy of your country. You talk about democracy and freedom of speech, while you are denying 33 million Egyptian free will of running their internal affairs according to what they want for their country and not according to what You slave of your master Obama want to apply on Egyptians by force.

You talk about the State’s independence, while you incite and ask superior countries to interfere in your own country by force and dismantle your armed forces to replace them with a liberation army formed from your Muslim Brothers terrorist. Obviously, Mr. Shahin you are into Islamic Jihad war, be my guest and go to Syria, I believe this is an excellent time for you to become a missing person!

You talk about women and children rights, while you support the violators of human rights.

There are enough people to hate in the world already without you putting in so much effort to give us another! And by the way, you don’t need to thank me for insulting you, it was a pleasure.

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