Egypt Under Terror Attacks

Brotherhood and Alqaeda terror attacks after 30 June 2013 in Egypt
Muslim Brotherhood and Alqaeda terror attacks against police and military forces after 30 June 2011

After the 25th of Jan 2011 events, chaos controlled the whole country on purpose. Police forces were obliged to withdrew from the streets after violence and bloody events started on 28/1/2011.

Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists elements took advantage of the situation and started terror attacks against Military and Police forces specially in Sinai. Hamas and Islamist Militants attacked prisons in Egypt, freed dangerous terrorists elements from jails and killed police officers and soldiers. On 29/1/2011 terrorist elements attacked Wadi Elnatron Prison, and freed Mohamed Morsi (former president) from jail with 33 Brotherhood leaders who were charged of espionage with foreign Intelligence.

Muslim Brotherhood and Islamist militias Terrorists elements killed Hundreds of officers and soldiers from the Egyptian Military and Police after the 30th of June 2013 Revolution. Brotherhood announced publicly that what is happening in Sinai,  will stop the minute Egyptian Military restore back Brotherhood regime in Egypt, otherwise terror attacks will continue.

Egyptian Police and Military Martyrs of 25 Jan 2011 events
Egyptian Police and Military Martyrs of 25 Jan 2011 events

The Terrorists who kill civilians, military and police individuals and bombing buildings are the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists Organization and their supporters, they are the ones who admitted  crimes against the Egyptian people on the 14th of August 2013, publicly.

Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters announced publicly in the following subtitled video in English, they are going to slaughter Christians, and Police and military individuals and anyone who is Anti Brotherhood. They said that they will use bombs, bombed cars and bombs with remote control…

Former President Mohamed Morsi gave a presidential pardon to dangerous terrorists elements from Al-Qaeda Organization and other Jihad Islamist Militants , and assured them that they won’t be chased by the security authorities in Egypt, conditioned that they support and protect his regime in Egypt. Mohamed Morsi and Brotherhood leaders were in direct contact with Al-Qaeda Organization through Mohamed AlZawahiri who was pardoned as well by Morsi. Mohamed Al-Zawahiri is the Brother of The leader of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahiri.

Al-Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri  is the cousin of Refaa Rifaa Al-Tahtawy, who was the Former Chief of Staff of Mohamed Morsi. This is how direct contact took place between Mohamed Morsi and Al-Qaeda.

23 December 2013 Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization bombed Dakahlia security directorate building witch caused the death of 17 police officers and soldiers and more than 134 got injured
23 December 2013 Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization bombed Dakahlia security directorate building witch caused the death of 17 police officers and soldiers and more than 134 got injured

On the 23rd of December 2013, Muslim Brotherhood bombed Dakahlia security directorate building witch caused the death of 17 police officers and soldiers and more than 134 got injured:

See also  US Sponsor Terrorism And Egypt Is Waging A War Against It
23rd of December 2013 Muslim Brotherhood bombed Dakahlia security directorate building witch caused the death of 17 police officers and soldiers and more than 134 got injured
23rd of December 2013 Muslim Brotherhood bombed Dakahlia security directorate building witch caused the death of 17 police officers and soldiers and more than 134 got injured

Martyrs: Colonel Sameh Ahmed Saudi – Officer Mohammed Raafat – Secretary of Police Amr Hassan Ahmad Tahan – – Sergeant  Saad Mustafa – soldier Ahmad Barakat – soldier Ismail Ahmed Ismail – soldier Mohammed Saber Ahmed – soldier Maati Abu Muhammad Yunus – soldier Sobhy Ahmed Hafez – soldier Joseph Issa Maghawry – soldier Mohamed Salah Ezzedine – soldier Ahmed Zidan Bassiouny – soldier Mohamed Ghoneim, Abdullah Abdul Jalil

Rabaa Muslim Brotherhood and supporters on face book expressed their happiness and celebrated the death of 17 police officers and soldiers in Ammansoura city and promised more operations against the Egyptians
Rabaa Muslim Brotherhood and supporters on face book expressed their happiness and celebrated the death of 17 police officers and soldiers in Almansoura city and promised more operations against the Egyptians

Muslim Brotherhood supporters wrote on their time line: Heroes of Rabaa: Like brother beltagy confirmed all terror acts stop the minute Mohamed Morsi gets back to power.

Heroes of Rabaa: Don’t forget what our brother hegazy said that in order to get back legitimacy, it requires to cut some throats.

Heroes of Rabaa: Security and safety will come back after Morsi gets back to power.
What we must agree on this explosion of Police building in Mansoura, it is the Muslim Brotherhood gift to Adly Mansour in his Birthday! (Adly Mansour is the temporary President of Egypt)

Video of Egyptian Police and military martyrs in 2013, after the 30 of June revolution.

Video of Egyptian police martyrs in 2011, after the start of 2011 bloody and chaos events in Egypt

Egyptian military martyrs 2011

7 July 2017 Egyptian military martyrs – Alberth checkpoint

Brotherhood and their Armed Militias committed two massacres in Rafah, Sinai

Images of the 25 soldiers bodies after the have been shot dead by Muslim Brotherhood terrorists 19 Aug 2013 Rafah AlArish Sinai
Images of the 25 soldiers bodies after they have been shot dead by Muslim Brotherhood terrorists 19 Aug 2013 Rafah AlArish Sinai – Soldiers got killed by 11 Armed terrorists elements – the leader of the terror attack got arrested his name is Adel Habara and he was one of the dangerous terrorists elements who got a presidential pardon by Mohamed Morsi when he was the president of Egypt
Rafah Soldiers Martyrs Funeral - killed by MB Militia - 16 Egyptian soldiers and officers were massacred on August 2012
Rafah Military Soldiers and Officers Martyrs Funeral – killed by Muslim Brotherhood Militia and Hamas terrorist elements- 17 Egyptian soldiers and 3 officers were massacred on August 2012 – Hamas and other terrorists elements were involved in this massacre – Egyptian Military asked Hamas to deliver the killers to Egypt after Egyptian Authorities identified the killers identities – Mohamed Morsi said publicly after few month from the massacre that it is not going to do the Egyptian people any good to know who killed these soldiers and to consider the file case closed. He didn’t even attend their funeral!!!
Rafah Soldiers Martyrs killed by MB Militia 16 Egyptian soldiers and officers were massacred on August 2012
Rafah Military Martyrs killed by MB Militia and Hamas : 17 Egyptian soldiers and 3 officers were massacred on August 2012

After the Disengagement of Brotherhood Sit-In, Brotherhood announced publicly that they will turn Egypt to a blood bath.

Video 14/8/2013, Walid khatab Brotherhood leader, said publicly that Brotherhood and their supporters are going to turn Egypt to a Blood bath and Muslim Brotherhood are going to slaughter all those who revolted against Morsi the President and the Brotherhood Regime.

Brotherhood are going to target and slaughter all Military and Police individuals, and if security forces fear on their lives, they should escape from their posts. And even if the Military and Police forces will hide in their homes, Brotherhood will slaughter them in their own homes. In addition he said:” The Military and police blood is ours”. (referring to Brotherhood). And starting from 14/8/2013, Brotherhood are not going to leave any Military or any Police Individual alive, Brotherhood are not going to leave anyone who revolted against Brotherhood alive, Brotherhood will kill them all.

Brotherhood are going to teach the Military a hard lesson so they will realize what does it mean to challenge the Brotherhood Organization. Military will see soon intensive slaughter operations on the real ground.

Egyptian Police Martyrs slaughtered by Brotherhood terrorists 14 August 2013 Kirdassa police station attacked by Brotherhood supporters and they tortured and killed 12 Police officers and soldiers
Egyptian Police Martyrs slaughtered by Brotherhood terrorists 14 August 2013 Kirdassa police station attacked by Brotherhood supporters and they tortured and killed 12 Police officers and soldiers
General Mohammed Abbas Gabr brutally tortured and slaughtered by Brotherhood militia on 15 august 2013 - Kirdassa police station massacre
General Mohammed Abbas Gabr brutally tortured and slaughtered by Brotherhood militia on 15 august 2013 – Kirdassa police station massacre
Muslim Brotherhood massacres against Egyptians
Brotherhood tortured and slaughtered police officers in KIrdassa Police Station on 15./8/2013
Kerdassa Police station massacre- terrorists tortured the police individuals - shot them and one of the officer while he was dying, asked them for a zip of water, brotherhood supporters threw chemicals on his body and slaughtered him 15/8/2013
Kirdassa Police station massacre- terrorists tortured the police individuals – shot them and one of the officer while he was dying, asked them for a zip of water, brotherhood supporters threw chemicals on his body and slaughtered him 15/8/2013

Video 14/8/2013, Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Aswan and their supporters attacked Aswan Police station and committed brutal torturing operation against police soldiers and chief of police station. Brotherhood kept them hostages and practiced severe torture against Police individuals as the video shows. Click on watch on youtube on the following video.

Lieutenant Police Martyr got a shot in the chest by MB militias in AlArish Sinai 30 August 2013.png
Lieutenant Police Martyr got a shot in the chest by MB militias in AlArish Sinai 30 August 2013.png
Mina Ezzat - Christian - Police Officer got killed by Brotherhood supporters while he was defending his police station in Beni-Suef City. He got killed by a sniper.
Mina Ezzat – Police Officer got killed by Brotherhood supporters while he was defending his police station in Beni-Suef City. He got killed by a sniper on 14/8/2013

Video 14/8/2013, a police car got attacked by Muslim Brotherhood supporters and they attacked and brutally beaten a police officer who was inside the car, then they dragged him in the street, in Mohandessin Area (Arab League square) – click on the following video to watch on YouTube.

See also  Muslim Brotherhood Teachers Turn Schools To Slaughterhouses To Torture Students

Video 14/8/2013, showing Brotherhood supporters celebrating after torturing and killing a police soldier in the street, then of course as usual, they were celebrating and partying the torturing of his body. click on the following video to watch on YouTube.

Muslim Brotherhood attacked a police truck in Cairo Nasr City and beaten Soldiers and the driver 6 October 2013
Muslim Brotherhood Supporters attacked a police truck in Cairo Nasr City and beaten Soldiers and the driver 6 October 2013
Martyr Lieutenant Ahmed Ibrahim Ismailia Killed By MB Militias on 7 October 2013
Martyr Lieutenant Ahmed Ibrahim Killed By Muslim Brotherhood Militias on 7 October 2013 on Ismailia Road
5th of September 2013 Muslim Brotherhood terror attack targeted the Minister of Interior assassination
5th of September 2013 Muslim Brotherhood terror attack targeted the Minister of Interior assassination
Brotherhood supporters killed the Deputy of The Matay Menia Governorates (upper Egypt) Police station, and he was a dead body inside the health center, preparing to get bury, Brotherhood gathered to torture his body
Brotherhood supporters killed the Deputy of The Matay Menia Governorates (upper Egypt) Police station, and while he was a dead body inside the health center, Brotherhood smeared and tortured his body even after he was dead
Brotherhood supporters shot an Egyptian Military soldier in the street. shooting at Egyptian military. Killed a military individual with a shot in the head
Brotherhood supporters shot dead in the head an Egyptian Military soldier in the street on 14/8/2013 outside the International Garden in Nasr City – Cairo
Police officer got assassinated by Muslim Brotherhood Militia in July 2013 - Sinai
Mohamed Hany Police officer and Security Inspector got assassinated by Muslim Brotherhood Militia in June 2013 – Al-Arish
July 2013, Brotherhood Militias bombed a police station in Al-Mansoura City - many police soldiers and civilians got killed and injured
July 2013, Brotherhood Militias bombed a police station in Al-Mansoura City – many police soldiers and civilians got killed and injured
Muslim Brotherhood Worst Massacres Videos Against Egyptian Civilians
Martyr Military Officer Ismail Ahmed Eid was brutally beaten on 6 October Bridge in Cairo by Brotherhood supporters on 15/7/2013. Stabbed and dragged and then got slaughtered and hanged on a tree. Brotherhood smeared his body after he was dead too
7 Egyptian soldiers kidnapped in Sinai by Hamas and Islamist Extremist armed groups on Mid of May 2013
7 Egyptian soldiers kidnapped in Sinai by Hamas and Islamist Extremist armed groups on Mid of May 2013

Military Martyrs and Injuries from 3/7/2013 to 20/11/2013

Military Officers Martyrs killed in terror attacks in Sinai: 10 Officers.

Military Soldiers Martyrs killed in terror attacks in Sinai: 45 Soldiers.

Military Officers Injuries from terror attacks in Sinai: 35 Officers.

Military Soldiers Injuries from terror attacks in Sinai: 125 Soldiers.

On 20/11/2013, 11 Military Soldiers got killed and 37 soldiers got seriously injured due to a terror attack by a bombed car, close to Arish City in Sinai.

Abd El Rahman Muslim Brotherhood Leader admitting on twitter that killing 11 Egyptian Military Soldiers and injured 37 Soldiers on 20 Nov 2013 Sinai, is the Muslim Brotherhood Gift to General Sisi on his Birthday - Brotherhood are honored by killing the Pharaoh's Soldiers and Rabaa's Revolution is continuing
Abd El Rahman Muslim Brotherhood Leader admitting on twitter that killing 11 Egyptian Military Soldiers and injured 37 Soldiers on 20 Nov 2013 Sinai, is the Muslim Brotherhood Gift to General Sisi on his Birthday – Brotherhood are honored by killing the Pharaoh’s Soldiers and Rabaa’s Revolution is continuing

Soldiers were riding a military bus going on a vacation. Terrorists elements committed a suicidal attack and targeted the Military bus from the front. 20 November 2013.

Abd Elrahman Husseiny Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Abd Elrahman Husseiny Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Abd Elsalam Sobeih Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Abd Elsalam Sobeih Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Abdallah Ahmed Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Abdallah Ahmed Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Ahmed Mohsen Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Ahmed Mohsen Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Ahmed Ramadan Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Ahmed Ramadan Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Amr Hamdy Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Amr Hamdy Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Ibrahim Ahmed Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Ibrahim Ahmed Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Khaled Eid Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Khaled Eid Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Mohamed Ibrahim Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Mohamed Ibrahim Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Riyad Mohamed Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Riyad Mohamed Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Sedik Kandil Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai
Sedik Kandil Military Martyr soldier killed in a terror attack on 20 NOV 2013 Sinai

On 2/2/2011, Hamas and other Terrorists elements in Al-Arish City in Beir Abd Area, kidnapped 3 Police officers and a Police Individual. Former President Mohamed Morsi told the wives of these kidnapped Policemen to forget about their spouses and stop asking an looking for them, and better go an remarry!!!

On 25 May 2013, Hamas announced officially that the 3 Police officers got killed and buried in Gaza strip and they don’t know who killed them!!!

3 Egyptian Police officers were kidnapped on 2 Feb 2011 by Hamas and were killed and buried in Gaza strip
3 Egyptian Police officers were kidnapped on 2 Feb 2011 by Hamas and were killed and buried in Gaza strip

On Sunday 17/11/2013 Nasr City Cairo, Egyptian National Security Officer Mohamed Mabrouk 34 years old, was assassinated by masked gunmen who opened fire on the Officer’s car and shot him dead with 12 bullets.

Just 48 hours before the Officer Got killed, Mohamed Morsi’s Lawyer “Selim Al-Awa“, asked the authorities to check the Espionage file case. He learned then from the file that Mohamed Mabrouk was the main Eyewitness in the case!

Mohamed Mabrouk Egyptian National Security Officer assassinated by Brotherhood Militias in Egypt on 17/11/2013
Mohamed Mabrouk Egyptian National Security Officer assassinated by Brotherhood Militias in Egypt on 17/11/2013

Mabrouk was assassinated because he gathered all evidences in the espionage case and was one of the main eyewitnesses on the espionage case of Former President Morsi. Click here to learn more details about his assassination.

Abu Shakra National security officer who arrested Kairat Alshater the second man in the Brotherhood Organization and was in charge of guarding him and he was assassinated on June 2013
Abu Shakra National security officer who arrested Kairat Alshater the second man in the Brotherhood Organization and was in charge of guarding him and he was assassinated on 9/6/2013

There is a resemblance between the assassination of Mohamed Mabrouk the National Security Officer who got killed on 17/11/2013 and Abu Shakra National security Officer who was assassinated on 9/6/2013.

Abu Shakra was assassinated because he was handling one of the dangerous national security’s file in Egypt which is fighting the International Terrorist. he was in charge of a certain case which relates terrorists Groups in Sinai to Muslim Brotherhood. These groups took orders from Brotherhood to commit terror acts in Sinai.  Abu Shakra was about to reveal evidences which prove Khairat Al-Shater  Involvement with these terrorists groups, when masked gunmen cut the road in front of his car and shot him dead the same way Officer Mabrouk  was assassinated. ( Khairat Al-Shater is the 2nd man in Brotherhood Organization and deputy of MB Chief)

Video Kirdassa 19/9/2013, Egypt war against terrorists elements in Kirdassa Area Giza- this area was totally controlled by Muslim Brotherhood Militias and they were terrorizing  people who live in the area.

See also  The USA IS Challenging The Will Of More Than 30 Million Egyptians

The video shows the sniper who shot dead The police General Nabil Farag from one of the roof buildings (the General was standing on his feet surrounded by his men, then one of the reporters and cameraman screamed that he saw a sniper on the school roof. Th General got shot, while he was standing in the middle of his officers and soldiers, and his last sentence to them was:”Men, let’s protect our country and save Egyptians from terrorists, even if it will cost us our own souls and lives!

On October 2013, terrorists elements targeted the South Sinai Security Building with a bombed car. the Terror attack resulted the death of 5 Police soldiers and 50 others got seriously injured.

7 october 2013 South Sinai a bombed car exploded inside the security yard directory in Altor City resulted the death of 5 Police individuals and the injury of 50 officers and soldiers
7 October 2013 South Sinai a bombed car exploded inside the security yard directory in Altor City resulted the death of 5 Police individuals and the injury of 50 officers and soldiers

On September and October 2013, terrorists elements bombed the Egyptian Intelligence Building in Islmailia City and in Sinai. No casualties resulted from the terror attack but serious damages resulted to the Intelligence buildings and private and public properties damages.

Terrorists elements in Ismailia Egypt bombed the Egyptian Intelligence Building and caused serious damages
On September and October 2013, Terrorists elements in Ismailia Egypt bombed the Egyptian Intelligence Building and caused serious damages

On 13/11/2013, In Al-Arish City,  Abd ElMoneim Sayed Ahmed Police Sergeant was shot by masked gunmen in front of his kids and wife with 12 bullets.

13 NOV 2013 Al-Arish City Abd ElMoneim Sayed Ahmed Police Sergeant was shot by masked gunmen in front of his kids and wife with 12 bullets
13 NOV 2013 Al-Arish City Abd ElMoneim Sayed Ahmed Police Sergeant was shot by masked gunmen in front of his kids and wife with 12 bullets

Policemen  Martyrs  resulted from the disengagement of the Armed Sit-In in Rabaa and Nahda Squares where brotherhood and their supporters were using these areas as Militants camps full of weapons and ammunition

55 Policemen Martyrs got killed in the day of disengagement on 14/8/2013.

In addition to 146 Policemen Martyrs bodies, 32 officers and 57 police individuals and 55 Police recruits and 2 civil employees.

The final Autopsy report on Rabaa, Nahda, Giza and Omrania Brotherhood Sit-In, was published on 14/11/2013. None of the International news medias published this report. This Autopsy report proves the fake and forged news about the Casualties of Brotherhood. No wonder they haven’t mentioned a word about this report!

Please click here For more details and to find out why none of the International News Medias published the Final Autopsy report issued on 14/11/2013. 

Research and sources of News: Albawaba News, Massress News

Egyptian MilitaryEgyptian Military and General Al-Sisi Egypt Heroes

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