The White House Washing War Crimes

Shame on USA and shame on every american who will watch civilians getting killed and invaded by the us military

I was watching David Cameron on the 29th of August 2013,  in the British House of Commons, discussing the British situation regarding Syria, which was no difference than Tony Blair announcing the invasion of Iraq.

England refused military actions against Syria, but that’s so far! England always follow the US in whatever they decide regarding the Middle East!

John Kerry announced on the 30th of August 2013 something that we should pay attention to. Kerry said: “We are waiting for the UN report, and their mission is only to inform us whether there was a Chemical weapons use in Syria or not! which means that US is just eager to get the report which will confirm of course the use of Chemical weapons, and US will totally disregard that part of who used the Chemical weapons, Rebels or Al-Assad Regime! France also is adopting the same situation as the US.

Obama and his administration are pointing to Al-Assad regime, even that Russia and the UN previous reports and evidence pointed at the Rebels!

See also  The USA Report Revealed By The Russians To Turn Egypt & The Arab Region To A Civil War Zone

That’s not about Chemical weapons in Syria used by Al-Assad Regime because it is used by the armed rebels under the sponsorship of  US and UK and here is the videos evidences click here; like it wasn’t for the Mass Destructive Weapons of Saddam Hussein, which never existed till this minute!

Syrian Chemicals weapons Attack carried out by rebels in Syria and Not Al-Assad Regime
Syrian Chemicals weapons Attack carried out by rebels in Syria and Not Al-Assad Regime

Syrian Chemicals weapons Attack carried out by rebels dated 27 August 2013 Guardian Express

Since when the US and their Allies really needed any pretext or reasons to invade any Arab Country? Did they have any when they invaded Iraq or Libya and now Syria and Egypt is next on their Agenda.

US and UK coalition is not just against Syria, but against the whole Arab World. It’s already has been decided after the 9/11. After they realized that terrorists attacked the USA because as they claimed then, that terrorists haven’t got any political life participation in the Arab countries. Yes, I guess they didn’t because they never wanted a political life participation, but they always executed Terror Armed participation in their own countries. That was always their dream to dominate the World and conquer it to build their terror empire.

It was never for the religion. The religion doesn’t need extremists to make it dominate by force and by terrorizing.  Islam is a religion of peace and not terrorizing. Extremists always use the religion as a cover to have control on Ignorant poor people’s brains.

So, The US decided to support Extremists Islamist to rule the main Big Arab countries and in return, the Islamist to hand them whatever they want in order to control the whole Arab World.

See also  America Lives On Shedding The Arab Blood

US’s policy do not permit to live in peace and let others live in peace. US survive on wars and invasions just like the Black British history occupation in the Arab Nation was. I guess another war will refresh the US economy!

Iraq and Libya have Oil, that’s why the invasion was never late! Poor Syria doesn’t have corn oil either! that’s why it took the US and their Allies a long time to start the action there. Specially after the 30th of June 2013 revolution, and Egyptians got out of the US Obedience, And specially after they realized that Bashar Al-Assad is doing well in fighting terrorism in Syria so far and having some control back. USA need to get their control back on the whole region with some benefits as usual.

What is happening in Syria is not a revolution, it’s terrorism. Rebels and terrorists are killing each other and it is the poor innocent people who pay the price, and the one who have more weapons will win, and then we will have Syria even in worse status than Iraq is. Why Syria is under terror attack? Ask your governments who sponsored those terror attack in Syria, as well as in Iraq, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey and Egypt. Check who is ruling those countries? You will find only one, which is the Muslim Brotherhood or the Islamist Extremist who got out of Brotherhood UTERUS!

Has Iraq enjoyed your invasion? did Iraqis ever seen that freedom and democracy of yours? Iraq is living under continuous terror and so is Libya…Tunis and Turkey are oppressed by their own regimes, but they are still fighting, specially after the 30th of June 2013 succeeded in Egypt.

See also  The Big Fat Lie Democracy And The Freedom Fries Of The USA And The Civilized World

Who can stop those war crimes and war criminals? Only the people in the whole world. People who care and have conscience. If you are against more innocent people getting killed, you can stop it, by going out there raising a sign and just say: NO more wars, no more invasions, no more innocent people get killed for the governments dirty politics and deals.

That’s what your governments did in Iraq, Please stop them from doing the same thing in Syria and Egypt is next on their Agenda. I know that I’m boring you to death, so I think it won’t harm you and it won’t either take a lot of your precious time if you check the following screen shots images, to refresh your memory a little bit and think about others who also would like to live in peace in this world just like you. just see the images and you will get the whole story of your Governments Pure Evil.

USA different presidents with the same dirty policy when it comes to the middle east

USA Raised their flag in Iraq after the invasion on more than 100000 Iraqi Civilians victims bodies due to the invasion
USA Raised their flag in Iraq after the invasion on more than 100000 Iraqi Civilians victims bodies due to the invasion
US and UK are pure evil and their governments are war criminals
Pure Evil
Abu Graib prison us forces partying on torturing the iraqi prisoners
Abu Graib prison us forces partying on torturing the iraqi prisoners
British military forces in Iraq torturing Iraqis
British military forces in Iraq torturing Iraqis
Obama and David Cameron are the biggest terrorists in the whole world
Obama and David Cameron are the same like Bush and Tony Blair
that's what the US military forces were doing in Iraq
that’s what the US military forces were doing in Iraq
us forces invaded Iraq and that's what they offered to Iraqi civilians according to them they iraqi must be tortured to death
us forces invaded Iraq and that’s what they offered to Iraqi civilians according to them the iraqi must be tortured to death
US military forces enjoying torturing Iraqis prisoners in Abu Graib jail in Iraq in 2004
US military forces enjoying torturing Iraqis prisoners in Abu Graib jail in Iraq in 2004
us military forces patying on torturing iraqis Abu Graib prison in iraq
us military forces partying on torturing iraqis Abu Graib prison in iraq
demonstrations against Erdogan of turky best friend of Obama
demonstrations against Erdogan of turkey best friend of Obama – Obama’s best friends are either terrorists or Dictators
Erdogan is killing his own people and opressing them and no wonder he is one of Obama's best close friends
Erdogan is killing his own people and opressing them and no wonder he is one of Obama’s best close friends
MacCain with terrorists in Syria
Have senator McCain ever explained why has he been with that terrorist taking a photo and what was he doing in Syria meeting terrorists?
The sign says Erdogan servant and slave of the USA
Demonstrations against Erdogan The sign says Erdogan servant and slave of the USA
Criminals of war against the Arab Nation
US and their allies are burning the Arab Nation for Oil and full power control beside forcing their Extremists terrorists Islamist Allies to rule our countries
Criminals of war got a way with their crimes against humanity
Criminals of war got away with their crimes against humanity

  Criminals of war wanted for jsutice Israel and US crimes against humanity Tony Blair war criminal

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