Wake Up America This Is Where Your Tax Money Goes

US, UK And Europe are using tax payers money In Their Dirty Deals With Terrorism
US, UK And Europe are using tax payers money In Their Dirty Deals With Terrorism

What you are going to read in that documented report, is exactly what is happening in Egypt on the real ground

Al-Watan Egyptian Newspaper reveals The details of a meeting held in a US Military base in Darmstadt  City in Germany, on the 16th to the 18th of August 2013. Attended by representatives of The Mossad (Israelis institute for Intelligence and Special Operations), US National Security Agency representatives , French Ministry of Defense Representative, British Forces in Cyprus’s Representative  and North Atlantic Allied command Operation’s Representative, to develop the plan of “Immobilizing Egypt“. The Newspaper kept their right of not revealing the source of their information, and confirmed their access to a copy of all the meeting’s minutes documentations.

The Meeting registered 29 reports under “Top Confidential

The participants in that meeting,  recommended the need of increasing the number of deaths toll in Egypt to six thousand per month at the same level as Syria.

According to the Meeting documents, The Meeting purpose is to <<immobilize Egypt in all respects>>, After the success of the 30th of June 2013 revolution in isolating The President Of Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi.

Immobilization of Egypt must go through several steps, including keeping the political and economic decision in Egypt in a state of inability and failure, and delay or prevent the investments and the launching of  a campaign to negatively influences the reputation of the Egyptian Financials. As well as the insecurity in Egypt, by pumping weapons from the Negev desert in south Palestine, Sudan, Libya and Chad, and the targets that will be hit are the Gas and Electric Transformers, Major Bridges, and Suez Canal Ferries, so as to maintain the state of tension in Egypt.

Obama is on Egypt's Terrorists List - Wanted for supporting and Finacing terrorism in Egypt and in the Middle East
Obama is on Egypt’s Terrorists List – Wanted for supporting and Financing terrorism in Egypt and in the Middle East

The conferees agreed that their work is not over yet because of the research agenda’s length , and because of the need for some additional studies and the presented results, which will be updated in the next meeting.

According to the minutes of the meeting: “This prolonged meeting has adopted positions which should be implemented directly and waiting to take the rest of the decisions. Our Political Leadership is reminding us that we need about two years of  free decisions in the ​​operations area, so as to end constructions of the dams on the sources of the Nile in Ethiopia, Uganda and some other sites.”

Targets to be destroyed: water and gas pipes and electrical transformers and the main bridges and Suez Canal ferries.

According to the minutes of the meeting also: “We were able to control the Euphrates Water valley through the Turkish Dams, but we need an additional two years of Islamist ruling in the region.

The Turkish Regime is under serious threat and the risks are still big and we cannot fend those risks off with a stable system in Egypt who doesn’t admit or comply to our decisions. The loss of  Mohammed Morsi is greater than the loss of Mubarak.”

The Attendants in the meeting said: ” We have an urgent need to gain more time in Egypt and to keep the political and economic decisions in total immobilization and failure.

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The rate of Deaths Toll in Syria and Iraq is in the range of Six thousand a month, and we need to reach that number in Egypt, to weaken its ability to have any kind of regional influence, so that our resources won’t be endangered to risks.”

Document also mentioned: “Our political leadership’s highest priorities, is to convince public opinion in our countries of  the importance and the necessity of the measures that we intend to take. The public relations campaigns have not succeeded yet: Our People still either far from understanding or didn’t get the picture in Egypt or they are not convinced of  Egypt’s importance or the measures which we intend to work on programming there.”

“The attendants of the British Team to be charged of forming an appropriate Media Policy and to get in contact with the private financial sources through the special delegate “Special Commissioner”, who is handling the Qatari’s affairs, and present an urgent report.”

The attendants added in the minutes of the meeting: “The Decision of  bringing down the Muslim Brotherhood was a bad surprise for us, since all the reports presented to us indicated the absence of the ability of the current transitional’s decision-making in Egypt. That analysis weakness report led to our surprise in a way that had a negative impact on the course of our work on a strategic level”

According to the meeting also “Our diplomatic maneuvers efforts proved that  they were not at the required expected level, as it did not succeed in gaining the role of mediator and was not able to gain time and it did not have any influence on the decision-making in Egypt.

Also, the scattering of our allies positions, requires a work to re-unite and coordinate our allies positions under one united supervision.  In addition, to make sure the Turkish leadership not to overstate in showing their positions against Egypt, like they did it towards Syria. Turkish leadership must play its roles intelligently and according to what will be told to the Turkish leadership. Also to enhance coordination with Israel to enable the decision-making mechanism, and to facilitate the passage of the required resources «required resources» across the Negev desert and Sinai to Egypt “.

Recommendations: The process of preparations of the two British bases in Cyprus to ensure and ease the spying and the communications between field work points.

The meeting indicated: ” The necessity of  issuing promises to Hamas through the Qatari intermediate or the Turkey‘s intermediate in order to enable Hamas’s political line to a consistent role with our programs. Also, the reorganization of the relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya and the reorganization of the regulation line of Desert transportation, on both Coastal and Desert tracks.

In addition, to inject a program of cooperation with the Friends and allies powers in Sudan, and the organization of line regulation Supply to central and southern Egypt, with the reorganization of sites in Wadi Halfa, and the reopening of the «Chad» Line to Trail Forty and Toshka Lakes in Egypt.

Also the appointment of a French liaison officer  with the local authority, putting into consideration that the poor surface coordination work in transaction between the positions of the NATO members has scattered the capabilities of the total. so it is a necessity and an obligation to re-straighten trends relations between NATO members.

The meeting recommended that USA  establishes a cell for crisis management in order to coordinates all the activities of the concerned Federals departments, which relate to the strategy of the Orient «levant».

This cell is the party coordinator for the activities of the federals with NATO, and also to be the centrality of information to all allied elements and institutions. And the NATO to form a similar cell in order to coordinate between NATO members and headed by the American cell’s representative.”

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The minutes of the meeting continued: “The need and the necessity of organizing a session to review the diplomacy of  the Allied members, and to adopt consistent positions with a clear division of roles. In addition, to draft an integrated  philosophy for each role of the imposed roles on these philosophies.

Also to take into account, the political backgrounds of the Political Egyptian and Arab Currents, which the Allied intend to Call-Up within the framework of  their public and general plan.

The need that Israel to determine all appearing and published phenomenon’s aspects for all operations and to make a limitation for all its functions. Also Israel to appointment a crisis management’s cell. Cell relates to NATO as delegate to coordinate with all countries and regional & local States, with the adoption of a unified transport system in all the region.”

The meeting stressed USA to consider the possibility of their Military bases rehabilitation and processing in Jordan, Sinai, and Incirlik in Turkey in order to coordinate work methods and to unite the leadership and also to organize the US Military regional’s presence.

The meeting pointed:” The lack of regional and local coordination cost us a lot of wasted time and resources. For instance:

The Dispute between Syrians on the operations management to destabilize the Syrian regime and also the dispute among Iraqis about the confrontation of the Iranian extending influence, have all  led to the failure that we are still paying its price in the international arena. Especially in our negotiations with China on the Asian agenda and our negotiations with Russia on the European and the Mediterranean Agenda. We must raise our coordination to acceptable levels.”

The meeting reaffirmed the study of the proposal for the standardization of cell’s management crisis which relates to the allied in Syria, Iraq and Egypt, and report it as soon as possible.

Also to coordinate our regional work by intensifying the circulation between Egyptian’s Cell, Syrian’s allied Cell and Iraqi’s allied Cell and linking the three Cells accurately with the central NATO’s Cell.

The importance of  adjusting funding for regional and local operating units on the ground, in order to impose one political line on everyone to synchronize with our plans.

To adjust the contact with the local units operating in the field, in order to impose unification of political behavior on everyone and to protect the consistency of our plan.

To control the Qatari Communications Network in Syria and in Iraq and to transform its leadership to the Saudis. 

The «active» and detailed coordination with the Saudis team and to prevent any overtaking and any individual initiatives. Also to be confidentially committed to all decisions and directives issues decided and issued by the crisis management’s committee of the allied.

The expediting of organizing the Egyptian local leaders to coordinate work with each Islamist Political Team separately, and to keep our Egyptian Agents out of decision-making centers and to use them in an objective manner when needed only, taking into account their psychological status and to give them the inspiration that they are the ones who are taking the decisions.

Assigning a British team to work on the southern and Western’s logistics work and Israeli Jordanian’s team to work in the front of Sinai and the Negev Desert, and all to be under the unified command of the crisis management’s committee of Egypt.

The recommendations came as follows:

Our political leadership reminds us that the decision to boycott Egypt economically has been taken already. And that decision to remain written until a timely manner to direct this track «process». And thus, the political leadership is informing us that this is what will make Egypt kneel. “The Economic Side.”

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The need to focusing on that scenario and assign financial institutions specialists to bet against the financial Egyptian currency to negatively influence its value.

The launch of a campaign to influence negatively the administrative and the financial reputation of Egypt  and the implementation of the siege against Egypt in international financial institutions, and the use of specialists to develop a plan of effective financial help to implement our programs.

The success of the task of undermining security in Egypt, requires certain actions to remain under our total and complete control, in order to avoid improvisation and local reckless acts « Apache-like behavior locals ».

To ensure the development of financial network to replace the Brotherhood financial network, which is being liquidating now. And to elaborate plans of ammunition Supplies and preparations through the Negev, Sudan, Libya, Chad, and stationed plans centered in Sinai.

These preparations require some time, Therefore, the  Prefabricated warehouses intended for current use must be separated from those which are related to the launch of the operation “New Revolution“, and the training programs must move from Egypt to the neighboring countries or to Sinai, and the  communication and spying to remain the “Herzliya Missions”.

Minutes Of Meeting New Targets:

At the end of the preparations, all targets list must have been verified and deposited at the Bank of objectives and cover the following categories:

Water pipes and domestic gas, transformers and circuit-switched electrical, major bridges, fiber optic, Cranes Basis in various ports, Major petrol and gas warehouses, Nile and the Suez Canal Ferries.

Require the rest of the The Targets Lists from the targets Specialist, so all goals list will be adopted by the conferees.

All goals and targets which have been selected require responses from the Egyptian Authorities, which will have a very high popularity cost «highest possible collateral damage» with effect leads to restlessness People.

Meeting Minutes: Copts <Christians in Egypt>, Unfortunately, Egyptian Christians who live in The USA, refuse the intervene in Egypt, which adversely <negatively> affect the position of the European and American churches against our future plans

In addition to maintaining the state of tension in Egypt based on the limited peaceful protests and demonstrations, with a view to luring Homeland kindness but also in order to gain time until all preparations are complete.

The insisting on avoiding the recklessly of leadership, and curb their enthusiasm and put a final end to the improvisation.

In addition to the request from all diplomacy, to show and provide all cooperation in order to maintain a pressure on the Egyptian government, but without any reach to the rupture, which does not benefit us. Because The required time which we need to gain at the moment, and at the start of work on the new plan, to be delivered with a new diplomacy view and work on implementing it.

The Meeting Concluded: «The direct-off for the implementation of what has been agreed and understood of the preparations and preparations planned, in order to be ready for implementation when the political decision is released».

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