بيان من الشعب المصري الي اﻻتحاد اﻻوروبي الوقح
ايطاليا سرقت اثار مصر اولا بشأن مذكرة الانتربول ، التي تضمنت اعتقال واستدعاء لاديسلاف أوكر سكاكال ، الذي شغل منصب ...
A statement From The Egyptian People To the Shameless European Union
Italy’s big theft of the Egyptian Antiquities Having regard to the Interpol memorandum included the arrest and summoning of Ladislav ...
Double standardsEgypt news and politicsHuman rights in USAISIS and Muslim BrotherhoodUS presidency elections 2020
A message to Joe Bin Biden candidate for the US presidency
In Egypt we say, Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones at people. We also say talk ...
Obama fights terrorism and supports terrorists
On 28 May 2015, Muslim Brotherhood organization and their political party “freedom and justice”, declared that they officially welcomed the ...
Egypt Educates The Superpower Countries About Human Rights
The Superpower Countries always claim that they are the sponsors of Human Rights in the whole world! As far as ...