Documents Evidence About MB And Ousted President Morsi’s Treason & Corruption

Brotherhood militias attacked women same guy who attacked the woman he is in the image with brotherhood leaders and Mohammed Morsi

I dedicate those evidences to all those who claim that Ousted President Mohammed Morsi was democratically elected and no matter what  Egyptians are showing of evidences, Hypocrites and Liars are just turning their head to the Muslim Brotherhood side, and to those who claim that what happened on 30/6/2013 was not a revolution, but a coup or a conspiracy.

I also would like to make a special dedication to some of the International News Medias reporters and correspondents in Egypt, Like David D. KirkPatrick and Mayy Elsheikh reporters of the New York Times in Egypt, who are specialized in faking news about Egypt, and Matt MC Bradley Reporter of Wall Street Journal and to all those who deliberately not only are publishing fake news about what is really happening in Egypt, but they are also challenging the will of Millions of Egyptians who revolted on 30/6/2013, against Muslim Brotherhood corruption and treason.

I’m telling those reporters, you are challenging our will in revolting against the most Fascist Terrorist Pure Evil Regime Called Muslim Brotherhood International Organization. The following documents evidence are telling all those reporters names mentioned above, You are LIARS and we will never forget people like you, who fake news about our country because those fake news is as pure evil as the Brotherhood are, we will never forget people like you because Egyptians do not forget those who are participating in that dirty Medias smearing campaigns against our country.

Mohamed Morsi is facing 10 charges of committing Crimes and Treason during his reign and he is facing many trials, which the first case will start on the 4th of November 2013, one of those cases may put Obama in Prison.

4 July 2013, Al-Tahrir Tv Channel announced: Documents found by the Military in the Presidential Palace, after Mohamed Morsi was ousted By the 30/6/2013 Revolution.
The Documents found by the Military reveal That Mohamed Morsi the Ousted President, was spying and making Dirty Deals against his own Country with Some Foreign and Arab Countries.
Brotherhood Leaders names occurred in the Documents like: Asad Elsheikha – Issam El-Hadad- Ahmed Abd El-Aty and others…
All those Documents were handed to the General Attorney and are now subject to Ousted President and others involved, to Trials which will be revealed soon.
In addition, Those documents contain very confidential and secret information about the Egyptian Military Institution, The Egyptian Intelligence, the National Security and the Military Intelligence.

After revealing the news of those documents which condemned ousted President of Treason, the Minister of Interior revealed that two month earlier to Mohamed Morsi’s removal from Power, he refused to send some reports and information, that the President requested earlier from the National Security and wanted to send abroad. Minister of Interior also was asked By ousted President to observe and spy on all those who are in the opposition parties, Judges, and Medias Private Channels famous Hosts and numbers of Ex and current Officials in the Country.

See also  د. محمد الدسوقي الأستاذ بجامعة الأزهر الشريف يرد على القرضاوي وعبد الرحمن البر وسويدان

Very soon, the whole world is going to watch and hear a series of unbelievable Scandals about that Brotherhood Regime who is charged with Treason and corruption once trials start.

Video dated 1/7/2013, Cairo – Egypt. After the killing of 9 demonstrators by Muslim Brotherhood Snipers from the Main Headquarter of Muslim Brotherhood Organization located in Moqatam Cairo, Angry demonstrators stormed the Muslim Brotherhood Headquarter and found a lot of Documents condemning Brotherhood leaders and Mohamed Morsi with Treason and unbelievable corruption.

Documents of Presidential Elections final votes in details of each of the 28 cities of Egypt, earlier to the day of result announcement.

Documents exposing the mobilization and the purchasing of million votes and orders from MB Leaders to people who handle securing of votes, and to reduce expenses on paying voters who will vote for Mohamed Morsi.

Documents expose Abd ElRahman Elbar Muslim Brotherhood’s Mufti (expounder of Muslim Brotherhood Organization) through a nominations list for the candidates of Shura Council in order to have full control on the council (Consultative council to Parliament). Most of the names in the list are Brotherhood loyalist or members.

Documents expose the plan and the total control of Muslim Brotherhood on the education system and scientific research to redirect and change, according to their own doctrine. Including having total control on all universities elections and replacing those who are not loyal to Brotherhood, by those Sisterhood and Brotherhood members and loyalists who will serve the plan.

Documents expose the plan of Brotherhood on controlling the economy and to have a legislation for the Sokuk Islamist Law (Controversial bonds law in Egypt, Brotherhood wanted to apply it during their reign).

Documents expose Safwat Hegazy, Muslim Brotherhood leader, stating that Muslim Brotherhood must have a full control on Al-Azhar Institution (Official religious institution in Egypt which represent Moderate Muslims)

The document show Hegazy’s recommendations  and suggestions to change  articles numbers (5) and (69) in the constitution so it will fit that Al-Azhar Institution will be controlled by Brotherhood loyalists and he specified some names among more than 150 names loyalists to Brotherhood, and he urged that The Muslim Brotherhood Political Party and the Brotherhood Organization must make a statement to announce that Muslim Brotherhood have nothing to do with those articles in the constitution and must also deny all ties to it, because the Salafist (Brotherhood Islamist competitor) and their Political Party (Al-Nour Party) are taking advantage of the situation  and making Brotherhood look  very bad in that regard.

See also  Video Evidence Of Brotherhood Crimes On the 26 Of July 2013

Documents expose the plan of Muslim Brotherhood of Contrived crisis with gasoline, diesel and Natural Gas, when it will start and how it will start in order to distract Egyptians from the operation of controlling all the  joints of the State. (Just between Brackets, check the New York Times Articles published by Mayy ElSheikh and David D KirkPatrick after the 3rd of July 2013, Where they published that crisis of Gasoline and Diesel totally disappeared after the 3/7/2013 Coup, they also called it  a conspiracy against the elected president! Those two reporters did n’t write or publish anything about thousands of Smuggling Tunnels, all those tunnels were filmed by the Egyptian Military whether when they were found or when they were destroyed by the Military.  Hamas was using those tunnels to  smuggle Gasoline and Diesel and in addition, Hamas never denied that those tunnels were not built by them). The period during Brotherhood reign, we were suffering from electricity shut down and lack of Solar and Diesel. On the contrary, Hamas  never complained from any shortage in solar or Electricity, since Ousted President ordered to open our Borders and closed his eyes on the smuggling tunnels and ordered the Military not to take any action in that regard.

The Following are some links to thousands of smuggling tunnels, Hamas used to smuggle Solar, links of filmed Videos By the Military: The Egyptian Army destroyed 23 tanks and 8 tunnels on the borders with Gaza.  15 July 2013.

The comments of the Egyptians who were reading those Documents was that Brotherhood wanted to make us more poor and to make us starve , so we will become their slaves for the rest of our lives, and to distract us from what they were doing to our country.

Documents and lists of  Ministry of Interior (Police) Names of Generals and officers and even retired ones, with full details, the question here how did it get to Brotherhood Headquarter and why?

Documents expose the plan of Muslim Brotherhood against Judges, Private News Medias channels, famous hosts and reporters work for Private Medias, Military Leaders and Generals, Egyptian Intelligence,  National Security, opposition parties leaders and political activists. The document been read by the guy in the video and what I managed to read states the following : “After Mohamed Morsi Brotherhood Candidate won the presidential elections and actually became the President of Egypt, we must work on all the possible scenarios which may occur at any future time and set the necessary measures to deal with any, which should be considered as follows:

” We consider the Anti revolution is a big strong side which includes: all the country’s institutions, Military, Egyptian Intelligence, Ministry of Interior…etc) Medias, Ex-Leader of the National Democratic Party – Thugs – Youth Currents – Political Activists movements…etc) – Police individuals, Businessmen…(that’s what I managed to hear and read).

Documents expose the Muslim Brotherhood Organization preparing and writing the Ousted President Speeches, and document showed Brotherhood made a schedule of when the President should speak to the people and what to say, and also the importance that the President attacks in his speeches those who are considered Anti Revolution.

See also  Muslim Brotherhood member raped a 6 years old child due to his family's support to Marshal Sisi

Documents show reports made by Muslim Brotherhood addressed to the Ousted President Mohamed Morsi, on each of his visit to different cities, and how it was before visiting and during and after visiting, Muslim Brotherhood evaluation to How the President Performed and their instructions to him on how he should perform next time he visits a city.

Documents show evaluation and instructions addressed to the President by the Brotherhood Headquarter, that his Visit to Sohag City was not good as it should have been, because they were not informed of his visit to that City with enough prior time, and they didn’t have enough time to mobilize Brotherhood supporters or their loyalists in the City Municipality like Governors, Chief of Localities and loyalists.

Video Dated 7/12/2012, Suez City – Egypt. Angry demonstrators against Brotherhood practices at that period, stormed the headquarter of Freedom and Justice Political Party in Suez City (Muslim Brotherhood Political party). Thousands of Original Documents found condemning Muslim Brotherhood Political Party leaders and members, including ousted President Morsi, of Corruption.

Thousands of Original and copies of Documents appear in the video are exposing Muslim Brotherhood members of MB political party and their relatives, Employments in different governmental posts in Suez City and other cities, with direct approval and signature from MB Leaders and Mohamed Morsi, ousted President.

Other documents exposed the firing of Governmental moderate Muslim Preachers and Clerks and replacing them by Muslim Brotherhood preachers and Clerks in different cities in Egypt, signed by Muslim Brotherhood leaders. Other Documents exposed Muslim Brotherhood leaders and Mohamed Morsi’s recommendations for all Members of Brotherhood political party and organisation to posts in Governmental employments in different cities in Egypt, which also include their relatives. Many Employments Contracts of Brotherhood Political Party Members in The Petroleum Ministry, Culture Ministry and Public Companies Owned to the Government are also exposed in that video.

Documents exposed direct interference of Brotherhood Political party leaders in the Military institution in which concerns Army recruits. Also documents reveal Contracts of Brotherhood Political Party members getting Housing Units in Suez city, which they were not entitled to, but they managed to get those units through their total domination on all the Joints of The State at that time.

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