Obama Calls Terrorists Beheaded A Month Old Baby In Syria Freedom Fighters

On the 3rd of September 2013, Al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria have beheaded 24 Syrian passengers traveling from Tartus to Ras al-Ain in northeast of Syria, among them a mother and a 40-days old infant. 

Obama supports Al Qaeda terrorists who slaughter Christians in Syria

On the 3rd of September 2013, Al-Qaeda linked terrorists in Syria have beheaded 24 Syrian passengers traveling from Tartus to Ras al-Ain in northeast of Syria, among them a mother and a 40-days old infant. According to media reports, the attack was carried out because the passengers who were from three different villages in Ras al-Ain, supported anti-terrorist Kurdish groups which were formed recently to defend Kurdish population against anti-Syria terrorists.

Alqaeda massacres in Syria Terrorists stopped the bus on the road in Talkalakh and killed everyone before setting the bus on fire. Bodies of a mother and her 40-days infant were also seen among the dead, which were recognized by their relatives.

See also  Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

American soldiers refuse the war against syria

Al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups operating in the country, including the al-Nusra Front, are trying to capture Kurdish territories and make them part of a state they want to create in the region.

Syrian Kurdish leader Saleh Muslim warned on Friday that the Kurd minority is facing an ethnic cleansing by al-Qaeda terrorists.

Following deadly attacks on Kurdish regions in recent months, groups of Kurdish militia were formed to protect their people.

John McCain with Al-Qaeda in Syria
John McCain with Al-Qaeda in Syria

Syrian Rebels crimes against Christians Syrians – Barack Obama still calling them Freedom Fighters and still backing up Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and in Syria.

Terrorists armed groups continue to target civilians in Syria. President Obama Bin Laden described Terrorists in Syria as”Freedom Fighters”!!! Will America ever wake up and realize that they have a terrorist sleeping in the white house!!!

Obama is a terrorist

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