Democratically Elected Is This A Carte Blanche Part 5 Of 5

Egyptians buried International Muslim Brotherhood Organization Fascism Oppression on the 30th Of June 2013
Egyptians buried International Muslim Brotherhood Organization Fascism Oppression on the 30th Of June 2013

This documented article is a Summary of a year governance by the “democratically” elected President Mohammed Morsi. Written by Professor dr A. Ph. MAKAR, MD, Ph.D. Gynaecologic Oncology – Email: [email protected] – This Article is Published on 5 Parts, including documentations.

Continue VII. Documents from the media

Click on screenshots to enlarge and read

Obama’s Brother: Muslim Brotherhood Leader

Obama Brother Muslim Brotherhood Leader

Front Magazine: Obama’s Brother linked to Muslim Brotherhood

obama brother linked to muslim brotherhood

Erdogan and democracy The short memory of the Turkish Muslim brother Erdogan. List of journalists jailed in Turkey- 1 and the blood bath in Turkey caused by Erdogan against his own people (Brotherhood and Hamas same style) and then we will see who is on Obama’s list of Best Friends in the world? Make a guess!

List of journalists jailed in Turkey

List of journalists jailed in Turkey (2)

List of journalists jailed in Turkey

List of journalists jailed in Turkey (3)

Erdogan and democracy -The short memory of the Turkish Muslim brother Erdogan. List of journalists jailed in Turkey- 2

See also  Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

names of Journalists jailed in Turky

List of journalists names jailed in turky 1

List of journalist jailed in Turky 2

Bloodshed at Taksiml square – Turkey – 4 June 2013 second fatality, thousands injured – police try to curb turkey protests – Erdogan’s crimes against his own people

4 June 2013 second fatality thousands injured a police try to curb turkey protests

Erdogen of turkey killing peaceful demonstrators

Obama names Turkey’s Erdogan among top five international friends! Oops! Obama’s top international friends are either terrorists or Terrorists projects!!! Let’s see more of Erdogan Democracy rule!

Erdogan is killing his own people and opressing them and no wonder he is one of Obama's best close friends

Erdogan refuses to recognize Turkish massacre against 1.5 million Armenians

Watch BBC documentary

Erdogan refuses to recognize Turkish massacre against 1.5 million Armenians
Erdogan refuses to recognize Turkish massacre against 1.5 million Armenian

  Turkish massacre against 1.5 million Armenians

Erdogan refuses to recognize Turkish massacre against 1.5 million ArmenianMuslim Brotherhood – Turkey – USA and Qatar – Qatar the island of democracy !!!

Emir Hamad got on power after a coup against his own father
Qatar has no parliament
Qatar knows no elections
Women in Qatar can only be jealous from civil rights that Syrian women enjoyed under regime of Assad
Qatar CV is: huge gas reserves, money and having the largest American military base in the far east
Joke : Qatar is the main sponsor for the so called Arab spring for democracy!

Qatar Ex Prince of Qatar put in jail a poet because he wrote a poeme criticizing the prince of Qatar

Here is another Joke  about the bath of freedom and the Ocean of Democracy in Qatar!!!

Qatari Poet sentenced for life in prison for criticizing the regime in one of his poems!!! Oops! For insulting the Regime in one of his poems!!!

Qatari Poet sentenced to life in prison for criticizing the regime in one of his poems

Amnesty International report Qatar detained Jasmine Uprising poet being trialed in secret for life sentence

The biggest Joke : Qatar is the main sponsor for the so called Arab spring for democracy
Aljazeera Channel owned by Qatar regrets human rights in countries that stand centuries ahead like Syria!!!

See also  Evidence on Mohamed Mursi's direct link to terror acts in Egypt

Amnesty International report Qatar detained Jasmine Uprising poet being trialed in secret for life sentence

Eric Trager new republic (26/11/2012): Shame on anyone who ever thought Mohammed Morsi was a moderate.

Given the Brotherhood’s belief that it can mobilize legions of foot soldiers to win any street battle domestically, only international pressure might force it to think twice about its undemocratic approach.

Eric Trager new republican said shame on anyone who ever thought Muslim Brotherhood or mohammed morsi was a moderate or democratic

Charles Krauthammer: John Kerry travelled to Egypt handed Morsi a cool 250 million dollars! Morsi and the Brotherhood who are Anti-Christians and Jews who called Jews and Christians pigs and apes!!!

Charles Krauthammer John Kerry travelled to Egypt handed Morsi a cool 250 million dollars

17 March 2013 University elections in Egypt beginning of the loss Underestimated by arrogance of the brotherhood

University elections beginning of the loss of muslim brotherhood in egypt

Brotherhood students defeated in Ain Shams University elections 17/3/2013

Brotherhood students defeated in Ain Shams University elections

Brotherhood faces major defeat in Kafr Al-Sheikh University Poll

Brotherhood faces major defeat in Kafr Al-Sheikh University Poll

REBEL And New Hope

“REBEL” The movement “Rebel” started collecting signatures to demand the step down of Morsi. Within 3-4 month, they succeeded to obtain 22 million signature. They prepared their large demonstration on 30/6/2013 and put ahead their road map for new Egypt after fall of the Fascism religious dictator.

Egyptian Rebel Campaign managed to gather 20 million signatures

On 19/5/2013 Rebel Campaign managed to gather 3 million signature Anti Dictator Morsi and his Brotherhood Fascism regime

On may 2013 Rebel Campaign managed to gather 3 million signature Anti Dictator Morsi and his Brotherhood Fascism regime

Rebels and demonstrations Anti Morsi and Brotherhood regime continue in all squares all over Egypt, specially in Tahrir Square and Etihadeya presidential Palace in Heliopolis Cairo

Anti Morsi and Brotherhood rebels continue to demonstrate by tihadeya and tahrir square

Islamist Currents and Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters started to threatened Christians in Egypt, not to join the 30th of June 2013 Revolution

Islamist Currents and Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters started to threatened Christians in Egypt not to join the 30th of June 2013 Revolution

Demonstrations started all over the country starting from 21/6/2013 and 30/6/2013 was the day of redemption – screenshots: 1tst one Tahrir Square – second screenshot Etihadeya Palace in Cairo Egypt.

See also  The Muslim Brotherhood Lobby In The United States of America

30 June 2013 the day of redemption


30 June 2013 asking Morsi to leave

Police personnel refused to shoot anti-Morsi protesters. Some of them even participated in the demonstrations – Nuns also participated in the demonstrations

2013-09-18 - 02.07.42 ~ Capture

Christians Egyptians Sisters participated in the 30 June 2013 revolution

Egyptians are proud of their Military

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013 Tahrir Square


Tahrir Square Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

Egyptian Revolution 30 of June 2013

The Egyptian Revolution

USA Sponsor Of Brotherhood Terrorists Videos

A protester carrying the red card for Morsi and a leaflet with the magic word “LEAVE” that was repeated that day by at least 33 million Egyptians

30 June 2013 Egyptian Revolution

Egyptians are the world’s best Protesters

Egyptians are the world best protesters

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